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Additional Assigment for 3rd Modul SO

Additional Assigment for 3rd Modul

  1. Make a program for calculate the area of circle and triangle on one shell program!
  2. Make a program for convert decimal to biner using shell programming!

Closing Assigment for 3rd Modul

  1. Create a program for show all of excutable files on a directory /usr/bin, /usr/sbin/, and /home/username!
  2. Create a program that provide the following menu option:
  3. Create a program that provides the following menu option (Every option using case!)
  • showing user list
  • running pico or nano
  • showing file on /home/username
  • logout

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Demo Blog NJW V2 Updated at: Wednesday, December 14, 2011


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1.Pembuatan aplikasi web
2.File finder (jasa pencari data)
3.Konsultasi IT, Cinta, Rumahtangga, Jasmani dan Rohani
4.Kerjasama dibidang IT

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