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Trade mark and domain name on internet

are the domain name can be equated with brand or trade mark in the perspective of cyber law, 2) Do cyber stating can be regarded as trademark infringement action, and 3) How is the settlement of disputes trademarks as domain names in intemet Indonesian trademark law. The study is descriptive with normative research method to obtain secondary data.  get data results were used for library researchin the form of studies document, after processing the data collected is done by editing the data and analyzed deduklif and qualitatively so that data can be prosecuted. Based on the research, obtained the domain name can not be equated with trade mark, this is in addition to construction law because of the difference between them as well because there is no regulation in the national law. Thus, a conflict of interest over a domain name can’t be regarded as brand infringement as defined in the Act. Conflict resolution  the domain name by the Internet community (netters) is to use civil law approach, negotiation and arbitration.

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