The GMA 4500MHD for laptops was launched on July 16, 2008. Featurewise, the 4500MHD is identical to its desktop cousin, the X4500HD.It had been previously rumored that a cost-reduced version, the GMA 4500, was to be launched in late 2008 or early 2009 and was to be used in the upcoming Q43 and Q45 chipsets. But in practice the Q43 and Q45 Chipsets also use the GMA X4500.
The difference between the GMA X4500 and the GMA X4500HD is that the GMA X4500HD is capable of "full 1080p high-definition video playback, including Blu-ray disc movies",the GMA X4500 however does not have that capability. The G43 and the G45 chipsets are manufactured with 65 nm technology.
Like the X3500, X4500 supports DirectX 10 and Shader Model 4.0 features. Intel designed the GMA X4500 to be 200% faster than the GMA 3100 (G33 chipset) in 3DMark06 performance[21] and 70% faster than the GMA X3500 (G35 chipset).
FOR GAMEI think GMA is good enough for gaming,not so far with Gforce and Radeon. I try to playing COD (call of duty modern walfare 2) is working properly with GMA in normal settings and resolution.
Warcraft lll,all series of GTA in high GMA is not bad for graphic design or game.
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